Film credits
Title: La Trochita
Format: Serialized Short Film Series
Genre: Experimental Documentary
Duration: 3 minutes
Director: Giselle Eliana Chan
Production: Ariana Lucía Schneider
Camera and Photography: Giselle Eliana Chan
Editing: Giselle Eliana Chan
Distributor: Ariana Lucía Schneider
Country: Argentina
Synopsis: known as the "Old Patagonian Express," "La Trochita" is an abandoned historic Argentine train that currently serves only a tourist purpose. Amidst the Patagonian vegetation and Andean landscape, "La Trochita" embarks on a journey through time in search of the original indigenous figure of the Argentine territory. "La Trochita" is the first short film in the "Andean Footprints" series, which focuses on historic Argentine trains that were abandoned in the past and now serve only a tourist purpose.