Lo que [ dure ]
Essay film
Synopsis: Longing for the past landscape and violence are intermingled in this video-essay about the felling of the last tree seen from the window of my home. The destruction of the public landscape causes not only sadness and pain, but also impotence and contradiction when living in a city where nature is destroyed indiscriminately.
Place and date: CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2023
Film credits:
Direction: Giselle Eliana Chan
Camera: Nora Beatriz Das Airas
Editing: Giselle Eliana Chan
Sound editing: Giselle Eliana Chan
Texts: Giselle Eliana Chan

1. Official Selection at the VI Austral International Film Festival – Córdoba, Argentina (2024)
2. Official Selection at the Max Sir International Film Festival – Costa Rica (2024)
A phenomenon we increasingly face daily in the city of Buenos Aires: the felling of trees, the elimination of natural spaces, reserves, and old houses in order to erect high-rise buildings. We cannot ignore this issue. I represent it from a place of sadness because I had to witness this brutal action from the window of my house, and I resorted to this editing style thanks to the footage provided by my mother. This allowed me to experiment and create this video essay.